13th February 2015 - Colour.

21/03/2015 18:40
13th February 2015 - Colour.
Greetings dear one. Greetings dear one. Colour plays a big part in one’s life, each colour has, like all  things in the Universe, a unique vibration. It has been said that those who are blind and not able to see, can, with training recognise specific colours – such is the brilliance of the auric field and senses. Colour can uplift and make one’s spirit soar, certain colours can bring one down leaving one feeling energetically low and depressed. Each morning allow your Soul to lead you to the colour of the outfit to be worn that day – it may seem inappropriate to the personality aspect, but will be just right for all the other aspects of the self. Each incarnate Soul, in physical form has within the form seven vital centres of energy – known as chakra’s – which, by those gifted with clairvoyance, can be seen as coloured, spinning cortices. They may be spinning slowly or rapidly, the colours may be vibrant or dull – all will vary o one’s state of health and awareness. When drawn to a specific colour it may be the Souls way of saying that a certain energy centre/chakra needs energising. So make it a part of one’s daily ritual to listen to the inner bidding and follow it. If there is no bidding feel free to follow the desires of the personality. Have fun playing with Colour – it plays an important part in one’s life. Blessings. PAX. ©.