13th February 2014 - Words with Power.
03/03/2014 23:0813th February 2014 - Words with Power.
Blessings dear one. Behind these words and within these words lie power, the power to help those who read them to change their lives, to change the energy that they embody and to help each one live life to the full. We on the higher planes of being work towards the day when humanity are able to rise above the mundane and are able to see, hear and embrace the reality that is the fourth dimension. The transition that lies ahead could be made so much easier if more incarnate Souls become more open to the true reality that they are first and foremost Souls, aspiring aspects of the Creator who are currently embodying a physical form which does have a personality but which is energised and given life by the Soul within and the Trinity – Father/Mother/Child. We are in truth, the result of these three aspects of Creation – Spirit (Father), Mind (Mother) and Form/matter (Child) coming together. One day when it is time for the Soul to depart the Earth Plane the form-matter aspect will remain on the Earth Plane and will disintegrate and become once again a part of the Earth, whereas the Soul will return to the fourth dimension known as the World of Spirit. There is much comfort to be found in these words and much wisdom. For life will continue, as will growth – for all time.. Blessings. PAX. ©.