13th February, 2013 - Electro-magnetism

03/03/2013 18:20


13th February, 2013 - Electro-magnetism.

Greetings dear one, no-one is ever alone, for all is connected through the electro-magnetism of creation, but it is the power of love that brings Souls together time and time again throughout eternity. Loving thoughts bind souls together to share experiences on the Earth Plane and at the end of any particular incarnation to meet again in the World of Spirit. Thought becomes reality, one thinks of someone he has traveled with in days gone by – one may not have thought of them for some time then, suddenly that person is in ones thoughts, then they reappear in ones life. You may receive a letter, a phone-call or as so often happens today an email. As one desires or needs, on some level, to reconnect with an individual it will be made manifest by the Universal life-force. It may happen soon after the initial remembering, it may take many years – but it will be brought about. Ones soul knows who and what is a necessary part of the journey, it is the Soul which places the individual into the thoughts and one’s Soul which instigates the reappearance of the one known, loved and now needed to share ones energies with once again. Value the reappearance of these much loved Souls for they are so much a part of this journey and many others throughout time and space. These Souls are normally a part of ones Group Soul, they are a part of ones Spiritual Family. Embrace each one, each time, when paths and lives touch, bringing in love and often more lessons and chances of growth. Blessings. PAX ©
