13.04.89 - Friends

04/04/2012 22:49



13.04.89 -  FRIENDS

Friends are invaluable, a necessary part of our growth.  They help us along the way, along life's rough and stoney path.   We chose our friends from many different situations, many walks of life, each one offers a special individual facet to one's growth. 

Friends, well at least true friends, will always be around when they are needed, to give support, love and strength.   They should never be taken for granted and must be given the same love, support and strength in return. 

Friendship has to be a two-way thing, a giving and a receiving.  Then there is a natural flow of the energies of love and goodwill. Friendship fulfils our need to share, but this sharing should not end with friends and family, we should be able to carry it into the world at large and share it with neighbours and strangers passing by.  For these also are deserving of support, love and kindness.  There are many who will pass you by, who in their hearts are crying out for recognition, a word of kindness, or a smile.  We each have what it takes to stretch out the hand of friendship to all we meet.  Smile and be happy.       

Bless You. ©

