12th March 2013 - Friendships are Important.

30/03/2013 23:44


12th March 2013 - Friendships are Important.


Greetings dear one, friendships are important and like all things need to be fed and nurtured to remain alive and vibrant. Friendships can and often do last for a lifetime – even when the miles keep one separated, it is the energy of love that keeps one linked with the other. The physical distance that separates is nought – for the loving thought is the binding key. Remember – thoughts are alive and are creative. When one thinks of another being the energy of the thought goes forth and is felt by the one the thought has been directed to. So take care when you think of others for the energy fuelling the thought will be felt. There have been times when each one has felt un-easiness, or a heaviness not fully understanding the feelings – think on, it may well have been that you have picked up on the thoughts of another directed to yourself, (thoughts that were downwardly spiraling and not at all uplifting!!). Then there are the times when one feels light and joy surrounding their whole being – these could be the loving and upwardly spiraling thoughts beaming forth from one you know. When your moods fluctuate look at the thoughts that surround you, so they feel attached to someone or a specific area of ones life. This is the norm, for our thoughts are not, do not, at all times originate within ourselves. Take care, your thoughts are not private, and kept stored in the dark recesses of the mind – they are living, vibrant and move about freely within the ethers of life. Blessings. PAX. ©

