12th June 2015 - Gaia.

04/08/2015 21:39
12th June 2015 - Gaia.
Greetings dear child. There are such wonders to be seen and shared upon the Earth Plane, for Gaia, our dear Mother Earth is a splendid, awe-inspiring entity. Just to behold a beautiful sunrise or sunset as the sky is warmed by the Sun, to behold the twinkling sky at night as the heaven lies as a mantle above the earth. The streams, rivers and lakes upon the land masses, filled with life taking on many forms, so very different from the form worn by humanity. The oceans so great and filled with mysteries yet to be revealed, teaming with life-forms, many that have been present since the birth of our beloved Gaia, holding so many secrets yet to be shared with humankind. All this should make one feel humble, yet thankful for being a part of this great experience. Humanity should take time out to care for the environment in which it currently lives, moves and has its physical being-ness. Blessings. PAX. ©.