12th June 2013 - Natural energies.
30/06/2013 21:3112th June 2013 - Natural energies.
Greetings dear one. Plant your feet firmly on the earth, bare feet to the grass and be at one with Lady Gaia, Mother Earth. Allow her to energise your tired body, just be still and feel the energies flow, becoming one with yours. Humanity have lost touch with this form of re-energising and healing – the Ancients were only too aware of the need to bond with Earths life forces. This is why, when one has the time to lie on the grass in the sunshine, or lie on the sand of a beautiful beach and swim in the ocean that one feels totally rejuvenated. Ones energies are replenished and balanced, stresses and worries are forgotten and healing takes place. A gentle massaging of hands and feet will benefit as well, as does having a massage at the hands of another. Just take a little extra time, care and attention of the physical vehicle – whilst showering or bathing give yourself a gentle massage. Your body is a Temple which houses the divine aspect – the Soul. So treat it with reverence, nurture yourself and see how different your physical form, the body will feel more alive and energetic. Blessings. PAX. ©.