12th January 2013 - Words for all People

30/01/2013 16:35



12th January 2013 - Words for all People.

Greetings dear child, ‘In my Father’s house there are many mansions, if it were not so I would have told you’. These words were spoken by the Master Jesus to his chosen disciples. The meaning – that not only were his words for the Jews but for all inhabitants of Planet Earth. It may even mean that this is not the only Planet that is inhabited by sentient beings who are fully conscious and are on a  journey much like the journey that each incarnating soul on Planet Earth is making. One must remain open minded and explore each new idea that is presented and one should not fear the unknown. Mankind’s level of consciousness and awareness is expanding and is opening up to many new ideas and realities. These will be explored and new horizons will open up. This is the way of living, learning and growing even more knowledgeable. Even on Planet Earth there are sentient, conscious entities that communicate with other but do not wear the human physical form – look at the world of nature, animals, the whales and dolphins and the others. They communicate with each other and understand each other – alas humankind do not understand, to the human race these other inhabitants on Planet Earth are ‘alien intelligences’. But, remember that these are also divine sparks on a journey and that they are also sentient beings but we understand them NOT. Ponder on these words for they are food for thought. Blessings. PAX.©

