12.04.89 - Dominate/Dominant
04/04/2012 00:25
12.05.89 Dominate/Dominant
To dominate means to place oneself above all others and to expect them to follow your dictates, ideals and instructions. To dominate means to control, we can want to control all aspects of life, we can try to control our children, family and our partners in life, also our work associates. We can try to control the situations we find ourselves in daily.
To dominate and to be dominant, are entirely different aspects of the word. To dominate is to control, to be dominant is to be strong, to govern and to be capable of controlling. We need to be strong to go forward along the path of life, the strength - the dominant strength helps us to achieve the goals we may set for ourselves. It is how we handle this strength that is important. Dominance shows as strength of mind and character. We can use it in a positive or negative way, for growth or destruction. It is not to be used to control our fellowman, this not only stunts their growth, but ultimately one's own.
Domination within my own life
I have always had a strength/determination of character which has in its time led me into difficult situations. I do feel that I have never used this strength to make, or to force, any other person to do as I bid.
I try not to make important, or in fact any decisions for others because that always brings with it its own form of repercussion and responsibility.
I try to share my inner strength with others if they need it, hopefully, I do not force it upon them. I find that there are occasions when through my overzealousness, I may take control of a given situation, but never to control people, only to share my knowledge, or understanding; to help those around me. They know, I hope, that they are free to choose the help I give, or, if it is the case, to reject it. To dominate would mean that I would expect them to accept what I say as their own understanding, without question. This is wrong and involves karma.