11th October 2014 - Support.

04/12/2014 22:57
11th October 2014 - Support.
Greetings dear one. Support one another, for  you know that at Source we are all One.  Are you in fact your Brother’s Keeper? In a sense, yes, you are! For the whole of humanity is one within the Source, all Souls belong to the One-ness – so, ‘if I hurt then you hurt’. This is true on all levels of life, of Being-ness, so do unto others only that which you would have them do to yourself. Live by this ideal and you will arm none, and remember that what one gives out one will receive back – Like attracts Like. Do not fear those whose thoughts and ideals are different, who seek to cause pain and discord – for they are troubled having a troubled ego/personality. Pray for them, pray that they will see the light, pray that they will become aware of the truth of their true identity and will then embrace their higher aspect, the Soul within. It is a great task to support these troubled aspects of the Greater Self but necessary if humanity is to move forward as a Brother/Sisterhood. Do not turn your back on those troubled ones, try to understand them, to help them and where possible to support them. Somewhere, sometime, in the ~World of Souls we each promised to do this, to support each other and to be there for each other when the need arises. Ponder on these words and find the energies within that are needed for the task – Compassion being the greatest. Blessings. PAX. ©.