11th January 2014 - Cosmic Rays.
29/01/2014 22:46
11th January 2014 - Cosmic Rays.
Greetings dear child. Each incarnating Soul resonates with chosen Cosmic Rays, these rays are the embodiment of certain energies which will govern the journey of the Soul. The journey of the Soul will be locked into the journey of the Cosmic Ray and the Soul will be so influenced by the waxing and waning of these energies. For instance, if one were on the Ray of Devotion the driving energies/impulses would devotional in nature, with intense personal feelings, often without balance, leaning one way then the other to perfection or imperfection. The person on this Ray will find it easy to Deify some other incarnate being, needing to manifest God on Earth to adore – they are the Souls who are the Saints and also (at the other end of the scale) the bigots/fanatics. They can be gentle Souls or fiery and wrathful. They make good Preachers but not great Statespersons, they may write poetry or religious books, love beauty, colour and all things lovely. Healing for this Soul would be through faith and prayer. So you see, each individual is governed by cosmic forces which are the driving forces behind their very existence whilst on the Earth Plane. The Ray of Devotion is the 6th Ray and is currently on its way out of manifestation having been active for well over 2,000 years. Blessings. PAX. ©.