10th March 2014 - Life and Death.

29/03/2014 22:40
10th March 2014  - Life and Death.
Greetings dear child. Death is inevitable for it is a part of life one is born, lives and returns to its Source to rest – then the cycle is repeated, time and time again. Energy can not be destroyed but it does change its form. It is so that all that is manifested by the love of Prime Creator lives within these cyclic laws for no single aspect escapes. Look at the seasons of Planet Earth and the life cycles of the vegetable kingdom – birth, life, death and rebirth. Look at the Planetary cycles of the Solar System your own Planet Earth lives, moves and has its being within, it also has its cycle as do all the other Planets. On and on these cycles play their part throughout the Universe and the many different dimensions. This is the nature of life which is pure energy in motion. Nothing is ever lost or destroyed, forms may change but the energy which is life will continue to manifest. This is the Law of the One. Blessings. PAX. ©.