10th December 2013 - Accessing Truth.
29/12/2013 19:0010th December 2013 - Accessing Truth.
Greetings dear child. There is much information to be accessed on the Earth Plane today, but take care for there is also much mis-information available. It is the task of each ‘Searcher of the Truth’ to recognize what is of use and what is to be discarded. The truth is simple and in clear view but will be veiled so that only those who are ready will comprehend the information being presented. The truth is often veiled because others before have slightly mis-interpreted what they had discovered with their mis-guided perception. We have said this before – take all new information to the heart and mind, if it resonates within do not discard it, hold onto it and it will expand, it will attract more and more of what is truth towards it. Trust only in the Soul within for it has the power ro know what is of value and what is not. The Ego, the lower self, will be attracted only to that which is built upon glamour – not truth. Blessings. PAX. ©.