09.07.94 - Sanctuary.

16/07/2012 18:40


09.07.94 - Sanctuary.

Safely in the arms of the Lord Jesus, all who ask for Sanctuary will receive it, with his blessing.


Life can be turbulent on your Planet Earth with the many disruptive energies that abound. It is confusing at present we know, but it is necessary to prepare the way for greater things, to prepare the way for many changes that lie on the horizon just waiting for expression.


Fear not, little one, we know of the confusion that you are experiencing, just move through it naturally and with ease. You will be surprised by the outcome. All is at it should be. Lessons are being brought forward, emotions are being accessed and expressed, healing is taking place, all is well. Do not feed what goes on about you with unnecessary emotions, live through only that which you feel to be essential.


The energy of Love is in the air, it is growing in potency and creating movement. People will find themselves moving, changing who they are and where they want to be. Trauma's will abound, but the pain resulting from this growth will be part of the healing necessary.


Dear One, we understand your confusion, but do not feed it, accept what is offered in love and ask no more. Move through each day with love in your heart, controlling your very being. Trust that all will be well. Much is happening at this time, much is being set in motion on the inner realms wherein lies the energy of creation, of creative thinking where plans are made and executed.


Walk forward as you are currently doing. We will, if and when it becomes necessary, bring forward new pointers to lead you along your chosen pathway. Enjoy this journey for it is one that is full of adventure. It is not necessary for you to know every detail for that would take away much of the joy and laughter that lies ahead. It is true that much happiness lies before you, so just keep walking forward with head held high. Carry that unconditional love for all of The Father's Creation in your heart, which must at all times be open to allow the constant flow. Do not feel sad, do not feel that you must do penance for the love you feel and are experiencing. Enjoy it while you are within its field, when you move beyond it - carry its radiance within, but dwell not upon its loss. For it will be brought forward once again to both feed and nurture you.


So, little one, we continue to watch you, call on us if the going gets tough, do not run away from situations, for this gives that which you fear more power over you. Do not become too attached to what comes forward, accept its blessings, but do not live only for that, - in that pathway lies only pain. Detachment from it, but acceptance of it!! Do you understand little one, do you?? Please, for your own sake try to understand. Do not cling to anything, allow all things to flow. For in the releasing and the flowing forward, all will blossom.


We say again, all is as it should be. Try not to control, let things flow. There is too much control going on all around Planet Earth. This must stop!!!! Release your hold on things and watch the result.!!


Fear not, we know this all sounds disruptive and painful, but in truth it is not. You feel this because it is alien at this moment in time. When you are more used to living in the now, in every sense of the word - then, life will become easier, this we guarantee.  If we allow that which is around us in our lives have full control we will not grow. Home life, work, money, possessions, are all controlling. Remove their power over you and grow in strength, dear one. Do not let these things - these attachments cause you pain and undue suffering. Move forward, always move forward into life everlasting.


With these words we will draw to a close, dear child. Call on us when the need arises, we are, in truth, only a thought away.

Blessings, Light and Love shine on your Pathway, on your self and your family......PAX
