08.07.12 – In the Beginning
26/08/2012 20:33
08.07.12 – In the Beginning
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was (with) GOD.
In the beginning there was an energy, the energy recognised itself, that it was and said “I am THAT I am”. It decided to explore itself, so the energy moved from the centre outwards to the right then returned to the centre (it's Source). It then moved from the centre outwards to the left and upon returning once again to its source it moved ourwards to the rear and then the front and finally upwards and downwards always returning to the centre, it's source.
Hence the first most important manifestation of the six pointed occurred, the first manifestation that sits at the Centre of Creation. It may well be that this first impulse of the energy was the First Son of God, the Creator, the Source or The Big Bang.... Whatsoever is now manifest throughout this wonderous creation was there at the beginning with that first explorative impulse so, therefore, will be there at the end of creation.
GOD – the life-force is still within that initial out-breath and creation is still expanding. At some stage the in-breath will occur and then all of creation will start to move back towards the Source, the centre point, the initial six pointed star.
So you see, it is true that we are all one with the other. We are all a part of the original “I am THAT I am”. We are all co-creators with GOD, the Creative Principle (which is known by many names). So Brothers and Sisters it is time for each to awaken to their true identity – as Children of God, as Children of the Creator/Creative Principle and take up the mantle of responsibility.
The Planet Earth, your current abode needs you to awake to this truth to help her to heal herself. For if you do not then she will no longer allow human-kind to be apart of her reality and will continue her journey alone. For the Earth is also a living entity, is also an incarnating Child of God who has become manifest to learn, explore and grow, just as you my brethren have also chosen to do. It is time to 'wake up', to wear your own personal 'Cloak of Power' so that you can become a responsible Co-Creator. To do this you need to start by knowing your true Soul Self be reconnecting to your Higher Soul aspect through the power of meditation, positive/uplifting thoughts, prayers and deeds etc.
Make your decision, make it today, to become a 'true participating Child of God', of the Universe, of the One. May you gain the power through love to achieve this. Ask – it shall be given.
Blessings and Light for the journey. PAX.©