07.12.89 - Christmas Spirit of Goodwill
11/05/2012 18:31
07.12.89 - Christmas Spirit of Goodwill
The Spirit of Christmas is upon us once again, it is known as the "Season of Good Cheer and Goodwill Amongst Men". This is excellent and it is good to see that many do in fact experience these feelings and do actually spare more than the odd thought to their fellowman.
Still, it is not enough, not enough to spare this time and energy at this time, for just so short a span of time. We should be, each of us, aspiring to these feelings of Goodwill constantly, throughout each day of the year.
With this outpouring of love and caring, the light, the essence of ‘Being’ which is emanating from the Source, the Creator of All, grows in strength. Our Planet can be seen, brightly shining, it is a good sight to behold, but, slowly as these special days pass by, the light begins to dim. This saddens those wonderful beings of Light and Love, who, residing in Shamballa with the guiding forces of our World, have the job of guiding the minds and hearts of Mankind.
It saddens them, for they know and have seen the true potential of humanity. It saddens them for they see peace, the serenity, the feeling of well-being that each person emanates at this time. They would truly love to see this wonderful sight, the shing forth of the light and the spirit of goodwill from humanity on a permanent basis, growing stronger with each gesture, with each kindness shown and good thought created.
It is the job of all who walk along the Path of Light to let their light shine forth for others to see. It is for them to be as a beacon, a lighthouse in a stormy sea and unsafe area, to guide those who are less sure of the way.
So, Brothers and Sisters, at this time, the Season of Goodwill - allow yourselves to become such a light. Try to follow in the steps of those who have gone before you, the Master Buddah and the Master Jesus, and the many others. Follow their examples, put your love for Mankind into action, into first gear and go forward.
Once the movement forward is started, (that is the hardest part), the next step is easier and remember that you will not be walking alone. For those Illumined Beings of Light and Love will truly be walking with you, guiding your steps and inspiring your thoughts and illuminating your way.
The Master Jesus, whose birth you are now celebrating, once said "I am the Way, the Truth and the Light", this is so; you can also say these words, but, first the right to do so has to be earned.
Go forward in God's love.
Blessings. ©