05.05.89 - Inspiration
20/04/2012 20:59
05.05.89 - INSPIRATION
Inspiration comes from many sources, but we are only interested in the type that comes to us to enhance our perception.
We can be inspired by our higher self, that part of us that is pure spirit, or we can be inspired by our helpers in the spirit form.
Each of us on the Path of Light wishes to be inspired by those Beings of a higher level of understanding. We need to be able to receive this inspiration and to accept it, as a truth, a means of going forward, and then to be able to act on it in a positive manner.
If we feel we are being inspired by negativity and things that are not of an enlightening nature, it is our responsibility, by using our own free will, to put these negatively inspired thoughts away from us, to totally reject them .
Inspiration can be shown to act in many ways. Through our actions, our going forward and assimilating more and more knowledge and understanding of things of an occult nature. Our understanding of day to day activities, the why's and wherefore's of these actions of others around us. To go forward, to evolve, we each of us need to be inspired.
The source of that inspiration needs to be, ultimately, the Divine Spirit - the Universal Consciousness.
Walk always in Light and Love.
Blessings. ©