05.02.90 - Darkness
01/05/2012 09:28
05.02.90 - Darkness
When darkness is around us, we often feel lost and lonely, but we must learn to be positive and to know that darkness always comes before light; or light is always followed by the darkness. The darkness I am at present talking about is of course Earth’s night-time. Nothing bad or sinister; a natural phenomena - a natural progression.
But there is another kind of darkness that is sinister, destructive and frightening. It is the element that takes away our security and serenity. Darkness of the Soul, or of the Mind is not a good thing, it is a negative aspect and if fed constantly becomes destructive. This is what the Powers of Darkness want, they help to feed this negativity, to give it form and life. It is for us to destroy it by being positive and striving to fill our hearts and lives with light and love.
If we fall down, we must earn to pick ourselves up, to put the fall behind us and to be positive as we go forward. We must not dwell on the mistakes, we hopefully learn the lessons they bring and go on to live better lives.
This doesn't mean that we do not make the same mistake again, for we can and often do. When we finally learn the lesson well, these mistakes do not occur again, simply because we have risen above the situation we would once have fallen down over.
So, be positive and do not become disheartened when you fall down, or lose your way and leave the path for a short time.Do not give yourself and your life over to the engulfing darkness - pick yourself up, dust yourself down - ask for help and guidance and go forward with the help of the Powers of Light. Be a part of this light ad help others to find their way. Do not punish yourself when occasionally you lose your way. What is important is that you find your way and try not to make the same mistake again.
Love, live and be happy. God be with you.
Blessings. ©