04.09.92 - Words of Wisdom
23/06/2012 17:4004.09.92 - Words of Wisdom
I had a vision of a Cross, and at the centre a Rose (the thought - Rosy Cross came into my mind), then the rose became a white Dove which flew away. Next a bunch of hanging grapes, these turned into an old fashioned lantern which was alight, (Hermit and The Reaper came to mind) also the words Light for the Path you are walking.
There are those around you at this moment in time who are not reliable, they have still got much to work through before they can be used. You too are still clearing away the dross of many lifetimes and are still clinging to certain things. Do not fear the loss of someone special, for if there is a change in the situation you will surely know. Fear not, you are not being punished, these things come about as a result of free will.
You recognise certain things and these are correct, now have the strength to totally let go. For you know that it will only be for the duration of this time spent here on earth, that once beyond the veil you will be reunited. We have already said that it is now time to stand alone, to listen to your own counsel and not to be discouraged or waylaid by those around you.
There is work to be do and the time is fast approaching, you must be ready to move at that time. Those who are found to be wanting, who are not ready, not prepared, will be left behiind, not for all time, for they can in truth follow on behind, but, they will not in fact ready to fight in the forthcoming battle.
We are with you, you have been given the light of eternal light to guide you. Do not be afraid of going forward alone. It is the only way. there can be no conflicting thoughts, ideas or methods of opertion. This is your life, your growth, hence it follows that you must be able to take the responsibisility for all that happens. There was need to have some-one to work with earlier and there will be a need for this at a later stage. Now we ask you to go on alone for a short sime. until others can be brrought forward into your sphere of existence or you into theirs.
Allow others to be responsible for their own karmic pathway, you can not worry for all who take you take leave of. Compassion can be felt, but do not hold yourself back by being too attached. Remember, my child, you are at this time "The Hermit" and your ideals are pure and strong. We walk with you as always. Just call out and we will draw close with help, guidance and support.
Love and Blessings to you and your family. Light of my light shine forth. PAX.