04.04.92 - Healing

12/06/2012 17:40


04.04.92 - Healing

Peace, allow the healing rays of the sun to be absorbed by your physical form.. Allow the healing to take place on all the many levels of your being. Allow balance to be restored, putting right what is now wrong.


Healing begins within, deeply within, at Soul Level. When the soul is allowed to do its work, all is well, it is only when the soul is blocked that things go wrong. Let each of us take into the depths of our being the essential healing balm and allow it to work, breaking down the barriers we have placed in the way of our own soul energy. When these barriers are removed we will feel the difference. The soul's light will be able to shine forth through the many levels of our being,, making positive all that is now negative and causing pain, discomfort or suffering to manifest on the physical level.


Healing energy is a very potent energy and when we once allow it's energy to be felt then miracles will be.


