03.08.89 - The Essence of Being

27/04/2012 18:08

03.08.89  - The Essence of Being 

Because we do not see, or maybe do not understand certain aspects of 'being' does not mean that we can brush them away as though they never existed. 

There are many aspects to life within this Universe that we cannot see, or comprehend, this doesn't mean that they are not there, that they are not real. The essence of life in all forms is energy, it is this energy/life force that attracts matter/form to itself which then allows the physical manifestation as we know it here on the Planet Earth.

Isn't it possible, therefore, that the essence of all life is capable of attracting to itself matter of a type unknown to us??  Matter which functions on a different vibratory level.

The essence of life as we know it is the Spirit/Soul energy, without it matter is an inert thing.  Just look at the physical body!  Before conception takes place we have the female Ovum and the male Sperm, sexual intercourse takes place many times with no end product - the formation of the new human life form; suddenly there is Spirit intervention, the essence of being is attracted to the Ovum and Sperm and new life begins.  So from the moment of Conception until that essence of being departs the physical form we have life.

The Spirit is infinite and lives forever as a natural part of this balanced Universe.  The physical body is a manifestation of form that lasts for as long as the infinite spirit within requires it.

This can be for days - or, many, many years, and there is nothing that we, as mere mortals, within this physical form can do to prolong this life span, try as we will.

Spirit is the essence of life, that spark of the Divine that has been since the Creation, that is part of the Creator, the Master Architect, The Father - God.  We are all immortal, for energy can never die or perish, it but changes it's form.

The magnetism of the essence of life runs through all things, through every kingdom of manifestation on this planet - the mineral, vegetable, animal, human and spirit kingdoms.  If it is in manifestation here in forms we have come to know, to accept and respect, then is it not possible that the Essence of Being is manifest throughout God's many Kingdoms - The Universe, The Cosmos, in forms that may appear strange to us.

It is possible and is a fact, but, because these forms are different, look, feel and function differently, does not detract from the fact that they are also a part of the Divine Spirit, they along with that we know, join together to make the whole.

We are all a part of his Kingdom and we must learn to live together, to love and respect each aspect of life.  Without this blending there can be no progression, no balance.

Balance is needed, before we destroy and that is not a part of his plan, the plan devised not just for us here on the Planet Earth, but for all life forms throughout the Universe, throughout the System.

Walk in peace with your Spirit, feel its strength, its love and universality.  Grow in Light and Love.


