02.09..89 - Cycles
01/05/2012 21:10
02.09.89 - Cycles
The full moon is the beginning of yet another cycle. There will always be many new beginnings and we must each learn to move with these. Each cycle will open up new avenues of experience, these may be on the physical level, emotional or even mental.
With each new beginning, we must learn to put behind us what we know to be finished; we can not expect to go forward with ease when we are carrying a load of dead wood - excess baggage. These things must be left behind us because they cause us to move slowly and without ease.
If we can off-load these often trivial things we will find the pathway we have chosen to walk much easier to follow. It is necessary to walk with ease, life is full of pain and trauma's, but there are also many joys.
There has to be two sides to every story as there are two sides to every coin. You have the Yin and the Yang, Positive and Negative energies.
Throughout life we will find ourselves being guided, often into situations not of our asking, these we will find difficult to accept, we often fight these and try to follow a path of our making.
Blessings ©