02.01.90 - New Beginnings

17/05/2012 19:21


02.01.90 - New Beginnings


Each day is a new beginning, put behind you the trauma's of yesterday, this new day is also a new start - treat it that way.


It is not easy to learn to put behind you the pain you feel, on whatever level you feel it, but to go forth with a light heart you must learn to do this. Do not dwell on the darker aspects of life, as this gives them form and strength. If you ignore them, they become a weaker force to be reckoned with.


Have faith that this is so. Be strong in your understanding of the natural laws. Know in your heart that it is time to let go of all that is causing you pain, all that feeds the depression of the Soul.


Life is a gift, a beautiful one at that. All around us there is beauty and joy, it is us - yes, we ourselves, who create the bad things which touch us and affect us. We are guilty of creating the pain around us and the pain that we cause others.


It is time now to stop these feelings of self pity. It is time to be strong, positive, yet loving, giving and caring.


If you give out more love and light, you know it is a fact that it will be returned, tenfold. People will respond, given time, to your own positivity. This is now lacking, but it can become a real aspect of ones self, once again. Know that what you are within, will manifest itself without. Regain that inner peace so that you may help others once again to know its strength and power.


Gently, gently, one step surely follows another - go forward, put behind you the pain, anquish and other negative feelings. Feed the loving aspects that surround you, nurture them for they themselves are as priceless gems - worth more than any material wealth. With the newly regained inner peace and tranquility will come a new, stronger way of life, bringing with it joys you never imagined.


You are not alone, you are loved, nurtured and cared for. You are a part of God's Plan. Have faith, ask for his help and guidance to manifest itself in your life. It will help - it will carry you forward, it always has. God Bless and keep you safe.


Blessings.   ©
