01.08.89 - Temper

25/04/2012 23:28


01.08.89 TEMPER

It is not the best way of relieving the pressure we feel by just flying off the handle, but it is better than holding the feelings of anger or frustration deep within. By holding onto the feeling, we help to feed it and it eventually grows and causes more pain and suffering.


It is better that we learn to count to ten before we start to let of steam, so to speak. It is necessary for the feeling to be freed, but there is a time and a place.


Let us each learn to meditate upon the matter, let us not let our feelings rule us, we must be in control at all times. When we let our emotions rule us, we are indeed tapping into all the other frustration and anger that is around us. Of these there is no shortage, be assured.


Learn from each situation, do not fall into the same snare time and time again. Do not allow your feelings to be aroused, beyond a level that you can cope with. There is a time and a place for everything. Try to remember this at all times.


We must learn to live and be in this world, but not of it. Try to remove yourself, be detached and these silly trials and tribulations will not touch you.


It is not an easy lesson to master, but once you have then life will indeed appear to be come more smooth running.


As I said earlier, there is a time and a place for everything. Within the working environment we must learn to do our job and to do it to the best of our ability. We must learn when and when not to vent our internal frustrations and when to sit on them.


Speaking ones mind is not always the answer, as it occasionally causes more problems and passions than are often necessary.


Now my child, sit for a few minutes in silent contemplation, count to ten if necessary, and do not let these small, and unimportant tribulations touch you.


Be strong in your faith and your knowledge that all things are transient, that nothing that happens here is important, these things are all a part of the greater learning process. Grow from the errors of your past, repeat them not.


Go forward in light and love and be strong in the knowledge that you are truly a child of the all loving Father, who knows all the small irksome problems, but who tries to show you that they are unimportant. What is important is that you maintain the calmness within your very being, that you feed your Soul with Love and Light and not drag it down to the grosser levels of your World by allowing the passions of your emotional mind to drag it down.


Be strong and of good faith. Walk tall, do not fall prey to the Brothers of Darkness who are all around you and are waiting to get in through the smallest chink in your armour of Light. Feed not your vanity, it is not important. Feed only your Soul for it is the only reality. Nothing else matters, nothing but your Soul Growth and your pathway back to the Source.


In these turbulent times tempers are short, do not feed the fires, hold your own counsel, do not be drawn into situations that you know and feel, in your very being, to be wrong.


Try always to allow your life and thoughts to be balanced, this is not easy, but will prove to be beneficial in times of testing.


Go forward, walk tall and be of good cheer.

