01.04.92 - Power of Prayer
09/06/2012 16:11
01.04.92 - Power of Prayer
Peace and joy are blessings not enjoyed by all of Mankind. Many are, at this time, suffering. Suffering on different levels, but, nevertheless they are suffering. It is from the pain caused by this suffering that each individual grows and therefore no-one can be responsible for taking away the pain until such time as the purpose behind the pain has been served.
It is no easy matter to sit back and watch those around you struggle to move forward, to watch them trying to cope with the painful situations that surrounds them. You need not feel that you are letting them down for there is a way in which positive help and support can be given. It is simple - just use the Power of Prayer, for prayer is the strongest invocation anyone can use.
When the time is right and the individual is able to see the cause of the pain and the suffering, then and only then can they move beyond the situation. Your prayers, in the meantime, can help the light to shine forth and with the ensuing illumination on the given situation help can be forthcoming.
Link at soul level always, give strength to each individual soul by invocing more light to be attracted to it. As the soul light grows so does it's strength and slowly, but surely it will make contact with the other aspects of the individual's being. Hence, through the power of prayer, help, positive and true can be given and with no interference. As the soul light strengthens, so does the link with our father, the Creator of all.
Continue to send out love and light it will as it is intended to, carry Mankind forward into a New Age. An age of greater understanding, where pain and suffering will be a threat no longer.
Join with us, you Brothers from beyond the veil, rejoice in this fact, but until the time this becomes a reality continue to give us your time, efforts and support.
Blessings go forth as always in light and love, constantly beam forth this radiance and use your power positively and well for the growth of all Mankind.