01.03.92 - Continue Forward
06/06/2012 18:49
01.03.92 - Continue Forward
Peace and love surround you, blend and absorb the blessings with these energies and use them well. Allow the energies to restore balance within, be quiet and do not be forever in haste. It is no sin to sit and be at peace, at one with all that is.
There is a time for all things, allow this day to be one of tranquillity and use its healing quality well.
Continue to sit daily, continue to ask for guidance for it will be given, usually on an inner level from whence it will filter through slowly to become a part of your daily existence. Follow the still small voice within, allow it to guide your thoughts and deeds and all will be well.
We on the inner realms of being know well that each step forward is not an easy step to take. We know of the difficulties ever present with each one who is on the path, but have faith that all is well and all are moving forward slowly. When a step forward is taken it is good and not many take one back, so have faith and go forward into light and love eternal.
Blessings ................Pax.