01.02.92- BE NOT MISLED

01/06/2012 10:05


01.02.92- BE NOT MISLED

Activate all the inner knowledge, bring it forward and utilize it. For now is the time for all skills to be brought to the fore. Take stock and then use what fits comfortably in the "Now". Slowly things will be given form; the ideas have been impressed onto the ether and now they are to be clothed, given form so that they can become manifest on the physiical level.


Patience, trust and lots of effort are now required on your part. For there is much to be done if all is to be brought to fruition.


Go with the flow of thoughts, ideas and energy that come forward at this time. You will be guided. All the work of the past years have been leading to this time, do what is being brought forward well, with your whole being - Body, Mind and Soul.


There is work to be done and you my child will do it well, we have the utmost faith that this is so.


Continue to have faith in us, your Elder Brothers and you will not fail, for with positive good thoughts and actions comes a good positive energy flow to propel it forward.


Go forward in light and love and continue along the path you are walking. It is well illuminated. Trust in your own judgement, do not rely on others.


Blessiings. Pax.
