01.02.90 - Problems
16/05/2012 22:2101.02.90 - Problems
We make our own problems, and are our own worst enemies. Instead of rushing forward into any given situation - blindly, take time out to analyse it from every point. Try not to worry too much and build small problems into large ones that are too difficult to cope with.
It is true that a problem shared is one that is halved. Simply by giving the problem form (by talking about it) it often seems easier to bear. When things are left in the darkness of the sub-conscious mind to fester, they also become unbearable and very difficult to cope with. Bring your worries out into the open - give the sub-conscious mind a good spring clean. Get rid of the dross gathered, it is not a necessary burden to carry. Lighten the load, the path of light will then become easier to walk.
Remember my child, you are never alone, there are always those around you who love and care for you. Put your faith in the Creator of All and know that everything is as it is meant to be.