Daily Insights
Every day is a special day.....
12/03/2021 11:09———
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Thought for the Day - 2
18/01/2014 18:11The file holding Thought for the Day is full so I have started a new page called Thought for the Day - 2.
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Hello and Welcome...
03/04/2012 20:00Hello and welcome. My name is Diane, I suddenly had the urge to set up this page to enable myself and people like me to have the opportunity to share thoughts and spiritual insights with like-minded people. When we first become aware that we are in fact, incarnating souls, on a journey, it can be quite overwhelming.
My journey has been quite a diverse one. I served in the British Womens Royal Air Force for a number of years from the age of 18 and worked within the field of Radar back in the late 1960's. Then I trained as a General Nurse which led me into the field of healing, which I have always believed should primarily be 'Preventative' and secondary 'Curative'. I am a recognised Healer with the Christian Spiritualist Healer Practitioner Association. I have been a qualified Reflexologist since January 1992, having trained with the Bayly School of Reflexology and have served on the Board of the British Reflexology Association sinçe 1993 as the editor of their publication - Footprints. I have also been a qualified Aromatherapist since 1992 and am qualified to teach both Yoga and Tai-Chi. My interests led me heavily into the world of energies and I truly believe that my Soul, as pure energy was there at the beginning and wil be there at the end... it is truly a part of the ONE. The One energy we call God, Creator, Great White Spirit and many other names. I also believe that 'Thought' becomes 'Reality'. Meditation plays a big part in my life and has done for more than thirty years.
The Soul within is eternal and is an aspect of the ONE, The Source, God, whatever it is that you see at the centre of all Creation. Your Soul is currently inhabiting a physical body, (much like one inhabits a home, or a car) for the sole purpose of SOUL GROWTH. My belief is that each and every individual being is a 'Divine Aspect of the One' experiencing a physical incarnation and that each individual journey is absolutley perfect for that individual manifestation of the ONE.
Each incarnation of a Soul attracts exactly what the incarnating Soul needs to experience at that time. The easiest way to make the journey is to remain centred and in the 'NOW'. Yesterday has gone and tomorrow is a dream yet to be realised. 'NOW' is where we need to be focussed, it is where we can learn about where we have travelled from and what we need to take forward into the future. Most of us spend too much time in the 'Past' or in the 'Future'.... 'NOW' is the only reality.
Over the coming weeks I am going to make daily postings of some short writings of mine that have been locked away in a cupboard for a great number of years. They were chanelled each morning after my daily meditation session. I feel it is time to share them with others and hope they will help some one who is just starting to walk the path that leads to truth and enlightenment.
Postscript - After the old supply of daily insights have been posted I have now resumed my daily writing/meditation sessions which I have been posting for some months now, you can see by the dates at the top of insights when it was actually written.
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27/02/2021 16:32Portfolio - Articles
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09/05/2012 21:46———
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'True friendship will survive long periods of absences'....
06/06/2014 13:25———
'Enjoy the day, come rain or sunshine - every minute is precious, do not waste a single moment'........
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Daily Insights
Daily Insights
23/04/2012 19:46———
Pyramids of Giza, Egypt.
10/02/2021 22:46———
Food for thought..... (see Photo Gallery for more beautiful thought inspiring photographs)
18/03/2013 10:54———
PLEASE - Please share your thoughts and understanding ......
15/04/2012 19:16———
Questions and Answers
Question and Answers
09/05/2012 21:49———