Automatic Writing with A Tibetan

17.05.2012 (22:37) – Ground Work


I am sitting here in good faith that The Tibetan will draw close as was promised in Church yesterday (17.05.2012) in response to my pleas for help in writing new articles, in the form of daily insights for the new web-page 'Spiritual Insight' which I recently I found myself setting up.


It could be said that I am doing this out of the act of having blind faith, I believe that it is possible, because having had an earlier experience so many years ago, why should it not happen once again.


I guess it could take a number of attempts for this to flow and for the correct connection to be made, what it will require is for me to sit, and to sit with patience and an open heart and mind.


For it said that the Elder Brothers reside on a level far removed from this earthly plane on which I now reside and that for our energies to blend, one with the other, will take time and practice. I sit here with an open and still mind, my heart is open and  I would love to communicate once again with the Tibetan and with the Elder Brothers of the the Great White Lodge. It is for them to draw close to me and for me to be open to their presence and to their words and their vibrations.


I would love to be able to post articles dictated to me by both the Tibetan and The Elder Brothers of The White Lodge, for others to read, and grow into a greater understanding of the truths and the way forward.


Once I return from my vacation in mid June I will sit each evening and open up myself to their higher teaching and pray that I will be open and clearly tuned into what they have to share with us, the younger brothers, as we struggle to hold the light and the love vibration in our hearts.


I believe that the process will prove to be a successful one and will be an uplifting experiment that will empower myself and many others who will partake of the wisdom imparted.

