Article archive
Return - After months in the Silence
18/05/2017 10:38
'Remember that everything is as it should be, this is true. Everything is perfect and the Soul, the God Within each of us takes care of all aspects of life on all levels'. Blessings. PAX.'
'Grow Stronger in Light and Love'......
24/01/2016 21:11
'Grow stronger in Light and Love'
It is the responsibility of each one to grow stronger and this strength is inner strength which will carry one through any adversity. This strength will help one to be able to root their energy down into the earth upon which we stand and the...
'Be the Light that you are'
23/01/2016 10:24
23rd January 2016
Please remember that you are not just your physical form which has a mental body and an emotional body, you are in truth the indwelling Soul. Each Soul incarnate and discarnate is an aspect of God, the Prime Creator at the centre of the manifested world and also the...
19th August 2015 - Deception.
12/01/2016 21:36
19th August 2015 - Deception.
Greetings dear one. Many upon the Earth Plane will use deception to get the attention of another, not meaning to harm, they clothe the truth by using something more appealing to get one’s attention, then they gently change the direction of the communication to the...
18th August 2015 - Life is a Magnificent Gift.
10/01/2016 20:39
18th August 2015 - Life is a Magnificent Gift.
Greetings dear child. Do not diminish the splendor of your life with negative thoughts, actions and emotions. Life is a magnificent gift – an opportunity to experience and enjoy the beauty of Mother Earth and the many carried inhabitants that she...
17th August 2015 - New Day, New Energies.
09/01/2016 23:37
17th August 2015 - New Day, New Energies.
Greetings dear child. Each new day gives each one a chance of a new beginning with new energies and new courses to be charted. Life is the ‘Great Adventure’ but most of humanity have forgotten this fact and feel trapped, living mundane lives, not that...
16th August 2015 - Experience.
08/01/2016 21:26
16th August 2015 - Experience.
Greetings dear one. One by one as experiences lead to growth and understanding the chakra’s (energy points) within the physical form will be activated. Do not force this 0 the Soul within will regulate their activation when the time is right and one is able to...
15th August 2015 - Connection to the Source.
06/01/2016 23:38
15th August 2015 - Connection to the Source.
Greetings dear one. Remember your Source and know that you are always connected to it, as a child of the Creator it is your birthright. We cannot stress often enough that there is a plan and each must play their part. It was agreed upon before each...
Purity and Clarity.
04/01/2016 23:07
14th August 2015 - Purity and Clarity.
Greetings dear child. The truth resides within the Silence that can be accessed via the Soul aspect. If one is pure of heart and mind then what is accessed when in the silence can be brought forth into ones three dimensional reality unchanged. Most of the...
13th August 2015 - Underlying Plan.
03/01/2016 22:42
13th August 2015 - Underlying Plan.
Greetings dear one. There is an underlying plan for humanity and for Planet Earth. One must remain centred and acknowledge that everything is perfect and the plan will be realized. We are each an individuated aspect of the Oneness which is Creation and...